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Module One - Baton Arts

Baton Arts Module One

Module One will cover the first half of the syllabus, from Primary to Level 6.  During this “teachers’ course” (no demonstrator is required), teachers will learn proper placement and technique for the foundations of the Baton Arts, including contact, aerials and rolls.  Teachers will learn proper teaching techniques, basic anatomy, Baton Arts “routine construction”, and lesson planning.  The skill level for Module One ends at level 6 in the Baton Arts Syllabus (e.g. neck throws, contact series, toss illusion) and is prerequisite for Baton Arts Module Two.  Module One Certified teachers can register twirlers for exams up to Level 6.

Prerequisite: The prerequisite for the Module One Course is a solid understanding of basic baton twirls: wrist twirls, figure 8’s, two-hand passes, thumb and backhand releases (both hands).  It will be expected that all teachers understand the progressions and placement of these skills forward and reverse prior to coming to the course.  This can be proven a number of ways:  1. A letter of recommendation from a twirling professional who holds status with a reputable twirling association or program, or 2. By submitting a video of students you have taught performing a routine or combination showcasing exceptional basic twirling technique.  3. Submit a video of the registrant demonstrating the following basic baton twirls: wrist twirls, figure 8’s, two-hand passes, thumb and backhand releases (both hands).  Alternatively, teachers with extensive juggling, martial arts training or substantial understanding of the prop manipulation can contact us to confirm that you qualify for this program. Attendees are encouraged to bring a student to Module 1, although it is NOT mandatory to do so. Studios can provide students for this course.

Licensing Fee: Teachers who certify with Baton Arts are eligible to use the 'Baton Arts' name in their marketing and promotions. Certified teachers are also eligible to utilize our logo, syllabus, systems, resources and access to our online forums and the 'certified members' area of our website. Certified teachers can enter dancers in Baton Arts Examinations. For these services, Baton Arts charges an annual licensing fee of US89.00 payable on the anniversary of your certification. Year one of your licensing fee is included in your course registration cost. Failure to keep annual licensing fee up to date will result in loss of certification, licensing and access to Baton Arts resources.

Special Introductory offer: Teachers who sign up now with Baton Arts will never be required to pay the licencing fee!  This special offer is open for a limited time only. 

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